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Buttons! Buttons! Everywhere!

Monday, April 12, 2010

A New Website to get you Going!

I'm forever watching for websites that have interesting information that will help me in my writing. I found this site today. It lists prompts and encourages writers to write for just 15 minutes a day. There are stories on it you can read as well as encouragement for those who are "closet" writers! Try it! Sign up because it's free!


And one more thing! For my new friend  Mary Ann, here's a website for children's fiction, contests, etc. from a very reputable publisher! Give it a try!



  1. Hi Ginger,
    I have never "blogged" on my own before, so I am hoping this reaches you and I am doing it correctly. I just received your message and I thank you for your help with getting me started on contacting publishing companies who publish childrens books.
    Sue tells me so much about you. She loves and admires you so much, that is evident. I am honored that she has us connected. Maybe one day we will meet each other. That would be great! I'll let you know what I have discovered with Harper Collins! great.
    Mary Anne

  2. Remeber Mary Anne that Harper Collins is a tough nut to crack, but don't be discouraged. I'll put another site on tomorrow for you to look at!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!