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Sunday, September 1, 2013

God's Continuing Grace

I woke up this morning, stretched and then showered for church. As I opened my Bible for  my morning devotions, my IPad dinged the alarm that a message was waiting. I read my readings and then popped open my IPad to search new emails as I do most mornings.

My eyes glazed over the first few messages, my coffee cup clutched in one hand. It was the. I saw the 2013 Kindle Book Review heading.  "Your book, Run, River Currents has been named a finalist in the 2013 Awards."  Sometimes, words on a page don't evoke the excitement of being named a FINALIST in a contest. I was shaking so much I almost dropped my coffee!!!!!

The amazement comes, not so much from being named one of five finalists, but in watching God move. Here is this dark book that neither the Christian Market, nor the secular market wanted. Then a secular Indie publisher who "just happened" to have a wonderful Christian editor who believed in this book enough to take it on as a project. In the wake of this book, the secular Indie publisher created a Christian imprint called Vox Dei, or voice of God which now is another outlet for good Christian books. Run, River Currents was awarded the 2012 ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writer's) semi-finalist Genesis Award, and was an Honorable Mention in The New England Book Festival, now a FINALIST in the Kindle Awards!

May all glory go to God, as His hand was on me as I told this story and He is taking it where He will take it.  What a great start to a day!

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