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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Everything Old is New Again!

After a harrowing past couple of months, it seems life is looking up! My latest work in progress will start getting my full-time attention as of December 31. I hope to have a full first edit draft by early March, if not before. This novel will be a total departure from Run, River Currents. It's a mystery involving eminent domain in a small Midwestern town. Here's a quick rundown!

Keep a lookout for small excerpts and plot leads and maybe even offer up your thoughts of the direction the main character, Laura Eden should take. Yes, there will be a romance, but there will also be intrigue, murder and spiritual change for the characters which will always be the purpose of my writings. So weigh in when you see something you like, or don't like! We'll make this fun for everyone!

Shortly, I will be posting an interview with Pat Florio, editor of the East Meets West anthology. She'll be sharing with the readers the latest upcoming contest! Watch for the post and drop a note here or send in your work for the upcoming Valentine's Day Contest!
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to it. God bless your time with much productivity!


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