Buttons! Buttons! Everywhere!

Buttons! Buttons! Everywhere!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Great Outlet for some new writers in MFA programs

Also, if I'm being a bit quiet, it's because my travel schedule and assignments are overwhelming right now. Last weekend I had the best time with my siblings, (minus oldest brother, Milton, but we know how odd he is:)We visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. It was great. But the best moments came as we shared laughter sitting around an outdoor fireplace at the Residence Inn. It made me realize how precious the love of family and friends is. Each of my siblings has some very special quality that I want to emulate. It was nice to be able to let each of them how much they mean to me.

Anyway, I've been browsing Writers Market for an outlet for a short piece of work when I came upon this! Might be a great place to get a clip for any of you in an MFA program! Here's the full poop!


P.O. Box 93613
Los Angeles CA 90093-0613

Phone: (323)336-5822
E-mail: submit@thewritingdisorder.com
Website: www.thewritingdisorder.com

Covers: Quarterly literary magazine featuring new and established writers. "The Writing Disorder is an online literary magazine devoted to literature, art, and culture. The mission of the magazine is to showcase new and emerging writers--particularly those in MFA writing programs--as well as established ones. The magazine also features original artwork, photography, and comic art. Although it strives to publish original and experimental work, The Writing Disorder remains rooted in the classic art of storytelling."

Quarterly literary magazine featuring new and established writers. "The Writing Disorder is an online literary magazine devoted to literature, art, and culture. The mission of the magazine is to showcase new and emerging writers--particularly those in MFA writing programs--as well as established ones. The magazine also features original artwork, photography, and comic art. Although it strives to publish original and experimental work, The Writing Disorder remains rooted in the classic art of storytelling."

Freelance Facts
Established: 2009
Multiple Submissions: Yes
Guidelines available online.
90% freelance written
Circulation: 1,000+
Byline given.
Pays on Pays on publication.
No kill fee.
Acquires first North American serial rights.
Queries accepted by mail,e-mail
Sample copy online.
Responds in 6-12 weeks to queries, 3-6 months to ms.
Publish time after acceptance: Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance.

Buys mss/year: 1-3/year

Submission Method: Query.

Pays with a copy of annual anthology for those published within it.

Pays expenses of writers on assignments: No

book excerpts
personal experience
photo feature
comic art

ethnic, experimental, fantasy, historical, horror, humorous, mystery, novel excerpts, science fiction, serialized novels, short stories, slice-of-life vignettes, comic art. Does not want to see romance, religious, or fluff.

How to Contact: Query by mail or e-mail. Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-12 weeks to queries, 3-6 months to ms. Sample copy and guidelines available online.

Payment & Terms: Accepts 1-3 mss/year. 7,500 words maximum. Acquires first North American serial rights. Pays contributor's a copy of anthology to writer's whose work has been selected for inclusion.


novel excerpts
science fiction
serialized novels
short stories
slice-of-life vignettes
comic art

Does not want: Does not want to see romance, religious, or fluff.

Buys 1-3/year mss/year

7,500 words maximum.

Reviews GIF/JPEG files.

Offers no additional payment for photos accepted with ms.

Buys one-time rights.

Needs: Quarterly literary magazine featuring new and established writers. "The Writing Disorder is an online literary magazine devoted to literature, art, and culture. The mission of the magazine is to showcase new and emerging writers--particularly those in MFA writing programs--as well as established ones. The magazine also features original artwork, photography, and comic art. Although it strives to publish original and experimental work, The Writing Disorder remains rooted in the classic art of storytelling." Wants avant garde,free verse,haiku,light verse,traditional.

How to Contact: Query by mail or e-mail. Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6-12 weeks to queries, 3-6 months to ms. Sample copy and guidelines available online. Acquires first North American serial rights.

Also Offers: Annual print anthology of best work published online. Pays contributor's a copy of anthology to writer's whose work has been selected for inclusion.

"We are looking for writers currently in writing programs--both students and faculty."


  1. Jeanne@jeanneglaser.comSeptember 24, 2010 at 2:54 PM

    Ginger....I haven't stopped by your blog in quite awhile, so did some catch up reading today and I am now officially exhausted just from reading about your schedule of late! Don't know how you do it, but glad to know you still are!


  2. Hi Ginger! Had a great dream about the pair of us getting into trouble at the residency! I'm thinking of you. Can't wait to talk to you soon!

    Big hugs,


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